"Cartography explores a world alive with transitions and movement by characters speaking their minds; representing those often made purposely invisible by others...A wonder of theater-making."
Inflatable rafts on the Mediterranean. Dark holds of cargo trucks. Family photos hidden carefully in a backpack. Hear the stories of young refugees when CARTOGRAPHY asks what part we play in the lives of young people who set out into the unsure waters of their futures. In this multimedia theatrical work, witness a world alive with movement and migration as the effects of climate change, war and poverty give shape to where we have come from and where we are going.
CARTOGRAPHY was inspired by the creators’ storytelling collaborations with migrant youth in Munich, Germany. This inspiration took the shape of a non-linear experience that reflects the non-linear nature of migration and centers the experiences of migrant youth outside the narrow spectrum of malicious threat or woeful victim.
OCTOBER 18, 2021 – DECEMBER 3, 2021
$5 / STUDENT. (No cost for teachers).
Price includes access to a 75 minute performance and additional virtual resources.
Virtual workshops with the cast are available. Please email offstage@portlandovations.org for more information.
Wheelchairs, Assisted hearing, ASL, Captions (for virtual programming)