
Arts Integration at Home – Freeze Dance

Posted Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Our last activity is a way to celebrate the school year that is wrapping up. While it might not feel like a celebratory time, dancing is important for a few reasons. As an art form, it has been a form of resistance for many oppressed cultures. Dance also asks us to be present in our body – learning how it moves and how we can be more comfortable in it. So get up and dance! You can also use this activity as a moment to introduce the music of different cultures or discuss how art is a form of resistance.


These activities are curated by Sarah Coleman, Portland Ovations’ Director of Engagement l School Programs. Sarah is a theatre educator, an arts integration specialist, and a former classroom teacher who has taught students in grades K – college as well as led professional development workshops for teachers around the country for over 15 years.