
Arts Integration at Home – When I Say One

Posted Monday, May 11, 2020

“When I Say One” asks you to get up, move, and be in the moment. Actors use this activity as a warm up for their bodies, voices, and minds. Kick start your week with it – and keep playing it all week long. Each time you play, add a new command or two and see how many everyone can remember. The directions for the activity are shared in two ways – for caregivers/teachers and for kids who can read so they can do the activity independently.


I learned When I Say One from Lauria Magovern and Psalmayene 24 at Arena Stage in Washington, D.C. You can see another description of the activity in the link below from the Drama-Based Instruction website created by Drama for Schools at The University of Texas at Austin.

When I Say One:

These activities are curated by Sarah Coleman, Portland Ovations’ Director of Engagement l School Programs. Sarah is a theatre educator, an arts integration specialist, and a former classroom teacher who has taught students in grades K – college as well as led professional development workshops for teachers around the country for over 15 years.